
I am patiently waiting for an operation to remove a parathyroid gland and have kept Addenbrooke's hospital appraised of any holidays that we have pencilled in and when I won't be available.  This morning they rang to tell me when the procedure would be carried out and of course it is on one of the dates when we'll be away.  The good news is that I now have a date in June and it's going to be carried out in a private hospital but paid for by the NHS.

The squirrels are having a field day.  They are munching their way through the crocus corms and starting on the anemones, but they won't be decapitating any more of the tulips because I've cut the remainder and brought them indoors.  Black Tulip is not amused.

Back to the NEC tomorrow for the "Who Do You Think You Are?" exhibition.  JJ has drawn a blank on some parts of his family history and I want to find out more about a great aunt who travelled the world as a Light Opera Soprano.

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