Catch me if you can i'm feeling down

Today was mega busy.

We were very formal this morning - we had guest and I wasn't allow to sing, fart or request puppies. I also had to brush my hair and keep my bosoms under wraps.

Afterwards i just had uber loads of work to do and so i was face down all day (after letting out a huge fart and messing up my hair).

Then just before we finished d and me had a quick hide and seek. Bearing in mind my Hide and Seek incontinence, this is quite a challenge; D Usually finds me cause I have to run out sniggering but today; thanks to the magnificent warehouse manager P, i was able to hide for nine whole minutes and not be discovered!

Even the CEO was impressed at my staying power. D Is not chuffed cause she didn't find me but promises she will try again tomorrow.

We had fancy fan dan lights up for photo opp and thought we would just selfie ourselves while we could!

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