All Clean.

I was very fortunate enough to get cancelled on full pay today BEFORE I even got out of bed! It was going to be a full on 9 hour day too. 

So Mr W and I made the most of a nice relaxing lay in and breakfast together before he had to go to work. Shame!

I spent the afternoon houseworking - of course. And report writing.  And juicing. And time sheets. And chatting to friends over the phone (about work!! - damn, can't get away from it!)

Daughter Number 1's colposcopy appointment has come through for next Tuesday which is good. I cancelled work so I can go with her, only to find I had been double booked with other colleagues. Just as well I had checked really!

So nice to have a no make up, messy hair, PJ kind of day with messages from Daughter Number 2 in Ozzy Land. Loverley.


Thought I'd blip the 12 headed orchid in the nice clean bathroom (dont look too closely at the blind tho!) before the heads start falling off. Its an incredible sight. 

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