I saw two faces in my capture of this tree. One smiling, en face, the other en profile at the left side. In the thumbnail it looks more Obvious, and at first Piet Hein did not see it at all.
In the morning I followed my routine and after lunch we decided to go for a walk. In the forest Piet Hein suggested, but I objected, he had just told me that there was a storm foretold and his second idea was, to drive to the Diemelhöhe and walk around the large fields.
I liked that very much. When one walks around, one cannot stray off and go so much further as one had intented to go.
At one side of the fields there is an apple orchard, the trees have tiny buds, almost invisible still. Then one nears the Krukenburg, the old ruin, and of course we walked to this point where one has a splendid view in the direction of Wülmersen. I show this view in my extra.
When you look to the left, there lies Helmarshausen in the valley of the Diemel.
Then we completed the circle, drove home, and drank our tea on the balcony, with and without sunshine.

My haiku:

We can smile with one
Half of our face and still weep
With the other half

And the proverb:

To weep for joy is a kind of manna.

1640  Herbert,  339.

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