
Had a trip to the garden centre this afternoon; partly to get out of the way while some ladies had afternoon tea and partly to get one or two things.

It may be I need to feed the grumpy side of my nature but they are less and less about plants and more and more about anything which can be remotely connected to 'garden'.  I had a look around the shrubs and there is now a far more limited choice.  It is like someone has decided that since they sell a lot of spirea they need to get more spirea which means less space for those things which haven't sold so well so they can go ... I think there might be more space allocated to feeding birds than shrubs these days......

However, the coffee was delightful though the cake was industrial.  And they are good for mass bedding plants.  And I did spend some money there so they will continue.

I need to make a list of local nurseries and explore these over the next couple of months.

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