Blue Stripe

Clear but cloudy day until I went for a bicycle trip after work - tried to find a geocache.. Then the rain begun. I was soaking wet +7c as I got back home. But good news is that the knee excerce was done already! ;)

Short shopping evening with my husband and son tonight, they are so fun company: we tried to speak swedish all the time, as my son has his last swedish exam tomorrow, Anyway he liked to relax a bit in the middle of all that reading... I wondwer how he will succeed.

I bought a big scarf for me to wear it at work. Trying to find the stylish me again...

On the way back I realized that I do not have any blip for the day - so I yelled for hubby to stop the car besides the lake.

Quite lovely colours, ice cover and light blue stripe behind the lake.


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