'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

A tough choice!

Ut was really tough to chose an image today - so have added some extra photos! (Or not as the internet has chosen this moment to go slow!)

Three beautiful things:
Catching a pair of Nuthatches playing around in the trees and I had my camera on me!!!  I think the one in the photo is quite young - it was much fluffier than the other one.  They are fascinating to watch.

A day to simply just 'be'.  Have spent hours editing photos, reading and even a cheeky nap on my new sofa!

A stunning double rainbow to my left as I walked down the driveway this evening.  This time I didn't have my camera with me however that can make it even more perfect at times - you can just be in the moment rather than trying to capture the moment.

One thing to be grateful for:
My new tap which doesn't drip and all the help it took to get it plumbed in!

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