Guardians, Rescue and Fox’s eyes

This is “K”
She is a Canadian and is standing on a street corner in Devonport today smiling at strangers especially Tall Dark and Handsome (He made me put that bit in) ones that had small stuffed dogs attached to their camera pak.
“K” is doing this because she wants to help change things for dogs and animals. The world needs more nice folk like “K” and lots of (mini) barks for that.
The Boss rescued me from an awful fate as a discarded TV screen cleaner and I will be grateful to him forever, or until my stitches rot, whichever comes first but on a more serious note the message we got today was that you can become a “Guardian” of the SPCA by donation which is something The Boss did not know and hence this Blip…..Wiif…OK?

The extra today was taken from the top of Mt Victoria.
Rangitoto Island has been on The Boss’s bucket list for a while but may have to wait a bit longer.

We decided after lunch to go to a movie. “Zootopia” at the local Devonport Vic Theatre.
He got in as a senior and I was free. The nice lady gave us explicit instructions about how to climb all the stairs to the theatre 3 and at the appointed hour there we were, all alone in the theatre with nothing happening so The Boss walked down 3 flights of stairs and in a friendly way pointed out how he was having difficulty following the story that the nice lady had enthusiastically recommended. She was shocked and said things would be immediately fixed so we returned. 15 minutes later the story had not improved so we returned and the nice lady took us back upstairs and opened the door to Theatre 2 to show us the movie running that we pointed out was not the one we had expected to see in Theatre 3.
Embarrassment then reached ginormous proportions and The Boss was presented with a free icecream while the assistant tech bloke found the right buttons to push and all was right with the world. It was BTW a really fun movie and I personally loved the Fox bloke who had grrreat eyes…for a fox and for $10.00 we had any seat in the house. We took 2.  

Tiny Tussock reporting.

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