The life of Hannah Carr

By HannahC

Me and Jennie.

Today was the last day of school. Very sad and emotional. Everyone was crying. And my favourite teachers have all left now. The end of westend too as it is turning into a primary school. Next we go up to Whitcliffe mount and a lot of teachers do too. Just none of my favourites :( Anyway we've had a great time at Westend. Especially seen as though they were trying to get rid of lots of money before it shut soo free fun fairs etc etc.
6 week holiday now hough so that's kind good.

Here's me and Jennie after school. This is not edited AT ALL. Its a special effect on my camera picks out a certain colour that you want in this case blue. Jennie is on the left posing and im on the right all smiley :)

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