Mini me...

Munchie adores the big girls. She loves it when they come and play. Today's play date was no exception.
Great fun, lots of giggling. Lots of making, painting and just having fun.
Wom fell asleep on my lap, slept for a while then came back down to join in more fun.

Quick trip to get fuel and do a few other chores then we popped to an amazing shop, so much stuff I could have bought for school. Bought some organza for our new Egyptian topic.

Home for second playdate of the day, one of the NCT mummies with her two. Not quite so much giggling and getting along. Munchie was tired and got over emotional about little things, her friend wanted things her way so there were tears. Hugs at the end of the day though and they did demolish the most enormous bowl of pasta with for their tea.

Both were asleep by 7:00 which has been the earliest all week.

Munchie doesn't know yet, but she's off pony riding again tomorrow. Think she might just be a little bit excited when she finds out.
Then in the evening, more excitement as we are off out for a meal to celebrate Lee's birthday and auntie Sarah is baby sitting x

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