The Magnolia Tree
I've stayed up late to snap this wee stunner ... torch in left hand, phone in right. That it appears to be in focus is the stunner. There was a gin and raspberry juice clamped in my left elbow at the same time. Quite a production trying to keep everything up the right way.
Actually, I've stayed up late to watch Tim Peake pass over on the ISS. First really clear night we've had since he's been up there. He went over earlier this evening, but I missed it due to not paying attention to the time. He'll be going over again in a few minutes. I've put both vibrating and sound alerts (A Bomb In Waldorf Street) on my phone so's I don't miss him again tonight.
That Tim Peake is on the ISS at the mo' always makes me think of young Neil from Liverpool in the 7 Up series. I always well up when they play back Neil at age seven saying "When I grow up I'd like to be an astronaut and if I'm not an astronaut I'd like to be a coach driver. And I'll tell people where we're going and all the things we'll see." That always sets me off because despite the fact that young Neil was quite clearly losing his way by 21 Up he's soldiered on and steps up to the plate every seven years.
Oh god, and when they show Neil skipping along the pavement! I'm a heap of sobbing rags at that.
I must tweet Tim Peake ... just to make sure he knows he's living Neil's dream.
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