Foxy's Folio


Early Evening Collection

Took over 40 shots of this bee on its evening round in our neighbours' garden while I was watering the tomatoes in their greenhouse, which I've been looking after since John died and Pat moved into a home. This was the best of the 3 or 4 that weren't blurred!

Another day of heavy rain meant that I was able to put the first coat of paint on the kitchen walls; unfortunately, the rain then started seeping through the roof on the other side of the kitchen! We've booked someone to come and replace the flat roof but, of course, they can't start until the weather dries up and they've caught up on their backlog of jobs.

One bright spot was going for my lunchtime swim to find colleagues from my old school with a party of students on their annual Activities Week trip. Spent about an hour catching up on the latest school news and never did make it into the water!

Good large

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