Quiz Night

Thank you all so much for your kind wishes on my birthday. I don't know what I would do without you lot and thanks to the Fabulous Four and all of us, I don't have to find out.

Thursday was a bit more normal. One of these days I'm going to learn to sleep well again. The morning at the day job was entertaining and in the afternoon I picked up flowers that one of my oldest friends sent me from Québec. Aren't friends amazing?

In the evening I joined Dr T and Mikey for the quiz at The Skylark. I do so love that cosy venue and the food is excellent. We were joined by Jonty and Jason. Their extra brain power pushed us into a very comfortable first place. One of the things I like about these guys is that they're disappointed not to be second - because the prize for first is a bottle of prosecco and the prize for second is a selection of beers. We all prefer beer. (The last time I had prosecco I had a headache for all of the next day.)

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