St john the Evangelist church Wotton

Firstly, I want to apologize  for my lack of replies and comments recently....I have no real excuse other than I have been making the most of my holiday and 'getting out there' taking shots and I have also been fighting with my computer all week and have only just convinced it to do more than one thing without needing rebooting!
So, I just want to say a HUGE heartfelt thank you to everyone for their comments, stars and hearts over the last few days and to assure you I will be replying personally asap.
I went out for an hour or so at lunchtime with Charlii, and inevitably found a new church to photograph.
This lovely church is St John the Evangelist church in Wotton (on the A25 just outside Dorking) up a tiny country lane opposite the Wotton Hatch pub.
It stands alone, surrounded by North Downs countryside and today (at least) bathed in beautiful sunshine - although the clouds don't look too friendly!
The church was founded in the Saxon period, and the tower and chancel are Norman, the rest is 13 C with the exception of the red-brick Evelyn chapel, built to the north side of the north aisle as a burial place for generations of Evelyn's of Wotton House. I have added a shot of the west side of the church in my extras so you can see the Evelyn chapel, built onto the north side of the church.
I love these churches, each single one is s history lesson in it's own right!

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