
Spent the morning tidying a few things up until the parents came. Packed the car and went to town for lunch.

Came back to get ready and drive to Southampton. Donned the robes (extremely comfortable) got the tickets and took photos. There was so many random instructions for the ceremony everyone was freaking out. People were saying we had to kneel or curtsy, in the end it was just a weird prayer hands in the palms (fairly odd). I got the giggles at the beginning but managed to get them under control by the time I had to go on stage.

There was a champagne reception afterwards which had amaaazzinnggg cakes, strawberries and champagne.

I didn't know what to blip but my dad said I should definitely blip one with my fellow blippers. My graduation was before theirs so they hadn't got their robes yet and that's the only time I bumped into them.

Anyways, now back to reality as I have officially moved back home.

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