Cheesecake monster

Jimmy Hollow Legs.

He put away an 8 ounce sirloin steak and a pile of chips, then announced that he would like pudding.

Me? I managed half of a tortilla wrap with duck and hoi-sin sauce. I was more concerned with getting a glass of wine down me.

New fridge freezer delivered at 7.10 this morning. Was expecting to get home to find it plumbed in. However, Currys didn't deliver the water fitting kit that should have come with the freezer. Poor Corin had been running around trying to sort it all afternoon, but the sales girl told him that because we had bought it "sold as seen" that we had to pay for the kit as extra. This was after she had initially said "no problem, will get it from the storeroom for you".

He told me the story when I got in and I was having none of it. I rang her, let her give me all of the reasons she could to worm her way out of it, then told her that she had mis-sold the product, as none of the freezers on the shop floor have the filter kits in the fridge on display AND that if it was missing, she should have filled that in on the store transit form that she filled in to point out the damage on the fridge. She knew I had her, so she said she would speak to her manager and ring me back.

Much to-ing and fro-ing and eventually she told me I had to order the kit direct from Daewoo and that then I would have to go to the store to be refunded.

I was fuming. I composed an email to Head Office and sent it.

Then went to Currys, spoke to the manager, and in the space of five minutes received an apology for the inconvenience and was refunded immediately for the additional costs.

Am waiting to see what Head Office say...just as a point of principle. The manager was excellent, the sales girl I think just knew she was in the wrong and didn't want to tell her manager that she had made a mistake, so she was trying to wriggle out of it. That's the bit that annoys me.

Hence, by the time I got home, I took the boys out for tea and had a glass of wine. It was a nice hour, sat in the beer garden, in the sunshine. James finished the cheesecake just as the sky clouded over and we made it home just before the rain came again.

There's a storm coming.....Richard Hawley

Thanks for all of the lovely supportive comments yesterday...was in the dark place again. Am back in the light. For now

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