Morning Mist

And a touch of frost on the grass as well.  Both went away very quickly and it turned out to be a beautiful day.

I learned this morning that my husband's Uncle Johnny passed away yesterday morning.  I always liked to think of him as my uncle too since I never had one and he was just the kind of colorful uncle everyone should have.  He and his brother Sandy (just as colorful) were the dominant male influences in my husband's life and they, along with their sister Bea, should have the credit for molding my husband into the wonderful man he was.  I first met the family in the early 80s and they treated me as their own from the very beginning.  I have wonderful memories and stories to tell because of them.  My husband has been gone nearly 15 years but his family has kept me close and I've been so grateful for their love and support.  Sandy has been gone many years as well and Bea is close to 90 now. She's been Johnny's caregiver for almost 10 years.   When he died on April 6 he was just three months shy of his 100th birthday.  He passed away peacefully in his sleep and would have been the first to congratulate himself for "dying in his sleep at age 100".   Well done, Uncle Johnny.  I'll miss you.  

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