With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Flathead feast

An incredible day fishing with David. Perfect conditions with an early start,  flat(ish) sea, not too much sun and experts on hand. My favourite quote of the day was by some fellow fishermen who threw us a bit of mackerel as different bait " Pull over here and I'll throw you a bit of a slimy!"

Eventually we found the hot spot for flathead and were pulling them in pairs. "Nominate!" if you think it is legal size, or in my case it was a Ray. New name Raychel. I got three and they are exhausting to land just to throw back, but very good to look at. We also caught Bream (Brim), Agu got a lovely Snapper that was a good size (and delicious) and the dreaded Toadfish, which snapped our lines several times. Bunderberg Ginger Beer kept slightly wobbly tummies at bay. It was like the old days gutting, filleting and skinning our catch! Then the heads and scraps were fed to the giant Stingrays that hang around just by the gutting station. Incredible creatures that were difficult to show in scale. I stuck my foot out as a comparison but then thought standing on one leg on a rock, camera in hand and a metre above sea and a 3m wide stingray was maybe not the best idea. 

Back for a feast and maybe just a little bit of surfing on the tv.

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