Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Tunstill's Men

Now you may be thinking, woah! She has really overstepped the mark with this blip! Taking photos at a funeral? That really must be against blipper protocol... Let me reassure you, this was taken at our local school during a promenade performance of Tunstill's Men.

It was brilliantly done. The play follows the experiences of a group of local men, who joined the 10th Battalion, Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment during the First World War. The tickets invited us to the funeral of Captain Gilbert Tunstill and asked us to dress in a manner appropriate to such an occasion. We arrived, dressed in black and followed the cast from church to recruiting meeting, to the parade ground and The Front and back to church and finally to a cemetery where after a playing of The Last Post and a minute's silence, we were invited to move amongst the crosses and see what had happened to the character on the back of our ticket.

It was incredibly moving and really brought history to life in a most effective way. The relatives of Tunstill's men, were attending the later performance this evening. I hope they have brought their hankies.

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