Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

Taking this photo I heard screams and laughter

This Curlew was my intended subject,And the noises  were coming from two kids at extreme range from the camera, who will have some explaining to do when they get home and Mum sees them! (see additional image)
Ah well, been there, done that, and dear old Mother used to put me in the Dolly Tub as she wouldn't let me in the house to go in the bath.
I got a walloping too, but that wasn't the hard part, she would burst into floods of tears as she was worried my fascination with the river and local land drains would end up with me getting drowned.
Father never punished me for it, he simply said he didn't mind me attempting to drown myself, but could I be a bit discrete about it as coming home in "That state" was upsetting "Mother"
After that I took his advice and came home merely damp, after further adventures, having washed the mud and weeds off myself and getting nearly dry, though I still had to sneak in as the water i generally fell in wasn't exactly Eau de Cologne, though the "Reckitts Blue" that coloured the River Hull at least smelled like clean washing.
A word of explanation about Father seems in order here: he was always aware that his  Mother had told me when I was being naughty "You are just like your Father, when he was your age he was worse than the other nine (her children) put together!"
So perhaps that explains his forgiving nature?

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