
By Chrissie1butter

Ladies Day at the golf Club

Great day with my friends who play golf .... We drew a few winners ... Then put it all on he last race.... Won 50% back... Fantastic day... They were very drunk
( everyone but me ) ..., I drank Pellegrino all day ( living on the edge)..... We were there from 1pm until 6.30 pm... Then it was off to Kate's for her Host night... Julie was so
Inebriated that we had to get Luke ( son)
To pick her up and take her home... So she didn't have anything to eat .... Which was a shame because that was the reason she got so "sloshed"... She had only had the afternoon tea at the golf club.... Which was
Likened to a thimble full... 3 small sarnies
2 tiny cakes and a scone...
She also fell down the stone steps outside the golf club..... I just managed to save her halfway.... Goodness me she scared me
Despite all this we had a fab day

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