
By wingpig


What method does the Blip community prefer for making decisions? Tossing a coin? Asking the first person they bump into when they step outside? Consulting the innards of chickens? Magic 8-ball? A planchette? Constructing an intricate spreadsheet plotting factors against each other within an arbitrary points system to establish an overall winning solution?

I feel like doing the latter to get a bit of quantification but I'm going for a different method based on systematic review of test data. It is making my eyes hurt. It has consumed me all afternoon to the point of forgetting to set Lost downloading after I forgot this morning and at lunchtime. It's also upsetting my photography, hence the indecisive and atypical shot pictured above which I'll probably change later. I even buggered up some nice simple streetlit-street shots and light-trails. Maybe my brain was secretly attempting to demonstrate the limitations of my current optics to further cloud the path along which I should proceed.

Buying stuff should be fun, especially when it involves using a bit of 43 hours' worth of overtime pay. I'm worried that I'm having this trouble because I don't really need anything else affordable at the moment.

That's Lost set to download anyway.

I'm off to stare at some printed-out pictures for a bit. In the cold as the boiler is being silly. At least the little cusp of excess filling which was preventing me from closing my jaws fully has been ground flat.

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