
I went out to the Red Barn for my final Sunday brunch.  Very sad occasion; but great breakfast as usual.

The pineapple sage out there is just starting to flower and I had hoped to photograph bees on it, but there weren't interested today.  Obviously the rosemary had far more to offer.  This youngster was fluttering those amazing eyelashes at me, so I just had to take her photo.

After brunch I put in a couple of hours at work, then I came home and attacked the oven - the worst job of any move!  Ugh.  But it is now sparkling clean, with just the racks left to do.  

Next job is packing the car up with stuff to deliver to the Op Shop tomorrow.  Then it'll be on to packing;  I don't have to pack my house, fortunately the movers do that, but I do have to pack my van as I'll be living in it for a few days between houses.

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