Work In Progress

It was a busy day up in the bush, with our landlord attacking some of the trees close to the house (and freeing up some light in the process) and our earth moving neighbour flattening out ground behind him.

There's some improvements in progress at the tree house; the deck at the front will extend out to a newly flattened garden, which should be perfect for our outdoor table and chairs (and a nice spot for night sky photography, I reckon). Prior to the digger arriving, this was quite a slope, but I guess that's no surprise being on top of a hill.

The view northwards towards the mountain was gorgeous, Jupiter shining brightly in the northern sky when I took this. Earlier in the evening Mrs H and I had a few drinks on the upstairs balcony, taking in the starry view. The deer are in full roar at the moment, the rutting season underway. We weren't prepared for a big roar from very close by - it sounded like it was from the gully just below the house, so not a deer on one of the local farms but a wild one that had come down to check out the fuss. Wow, what a treat.

gnaymaThis shot is with my S8mm f/2.8 fisheye, then corrected in photoshop to take out the bulge.

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