12 non stop hours

Started disinfecting the patio at 6:30am, followed by steam cleaning any areas where Riley may have poo'd. J was inside disinfecting then steam cleaning the conservatory & kitchen whilst washing and drying his beds & toys. Very lucky that Riley slept through this. Around lunchtime I gave Riley a bath in case there were any parasite spores on his coat, towel dried him and then gave him access to the now thoroughly cleaned kitchen for his food and antibiotics. The rest of the afternoon was spent steam cleaning all floor areas, sofa, chairs, cushions... the list goes on, finally finished about 6:30pm.

We can't retest his poo for the parasite until he's completed his course of antibiotics and waited a further 5 days before getting 3 days of poo samples. If and sadly even with all this work it's highly probable that he's still carrying this persistent parasite we will have to repeat the whole exercise.... got everything crossed that we get a good result!

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