
By FerrariaC


Some years ago in South America, J was given Karanka, to thank him for repairing a boat. He fell about laughing when I told him where I would keep his earing! He acquired it on the same trip, although they did not quite round the Horn. M1 feels it might impair Karanka's protective value.. .

I sorted out the clothes on the boat too - a surprisingly uplifting experience. Some garments are memories more than clothes. Of course I kept more than I should, but you can never have too many warm dry clothes aboard.

Still not sure what to do with the jumper hand spun and knitted by AW after the circus came to Tarbert many years ago. It still smells of camel!

At least J had abandoned the purple hooded kaftan with silver Kaballah symbols she made in the Sixties. Life could have taken a somewhat different course had I ever met that..

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