
This morning was spent making Miss E a scrapbook of holiday photos for school. She was being ever so "helpful" and hacking many of the photos to pieces trimming photos for me. And covering random photos with glue and insisting on sticking them in the book in random places while OCD Mummy tried to keep them in their lovely organised chronological and thematic groups.
Anyway, we didn't finish it as we ran out of time before we had to set off for her hearing test and I left everything on the table while we got ready to go....
Miss L seized the opportunity to play with the scissors and gave herself a little trim.
I didn't notice until we got back and saw this pile of hair under the table - where the sneaky minx had obviously taken the scissors. It could have been so much worse and I'm guessing there's a parenting lesson in there somewhere.....
Miss E's hearing test went well. Apparently her hearing is normal but she does have quite a lot of congestion so we need to blow her nose a lot!!! It does worry me a bit that her hearing is so bad and yet they said it was fine. Of course she responded well to the test - she was concentrating as hard as she could..... Oh well, it's better than them saying "yep, she's going deaf!". We'll keep an eye on it.
I am shattered tonight - a busy day, swimming with Miss L, back to get Miss E from school and then a flying trip down to Heathrow Airport to spend an hour in Departures with my dear friend Miss T who's back off to Sydney tonight. It was the only way we could fit in a meet-up!
I nearly Blipped a sign I saw at the airport which said "You must be able to put your bag in the overhead locker unaided" It made me smile as I can't even lift a pen unaided today - climbing has turned my arms to jelly!
And my back seems to be stiffening up by the second!

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