Definitely Not Meatballs

Ever since my meatball tree was harvested of its meatballs, I have kept checking it to see if a new batch would be ready soon. So far, nothing, but the last couple of days, something has definitely happened! Green leaves and small lumps that don't smell at all like meatballs.... Weird! I helped mum repotting the tomatoes - again! Maybe we should repot they meatball tree??

It rained on and off all day, so this time, we had geared up before going to the last Alice class lesson. Luckily enough. The Golden got to work next to his favourite dog, which is me, but today we worked on an open field which was just too difficult for him, so he left. Mixed feelings. We worked on going through everything we've learned, which was obedience competition level one when it was put together, more or less. Mum says I did great and that she was proud of me.

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