Sennen Cove

Talk about stormy???  ………….It’s been positively tornado like here today.

On my early morning walk we couldn’t go where we wanted to go, because the tide was in and the waves were battering where we wanted to walk.  The sea is very, very scary in ‘stormy mode’.

…………….And then this afternoon, Ann said, ‘Molly, now that I’m a freelance worker at STAR, I’m going to be working all day, every day, next week so you will have to come with me and I haven’t a clue what we’ll find to BLIP, so we’d better go somewhere interesting this afternoon’.  Since going ‘freelance’ Ann has worked more than she’s done all winter???

We went to ‘Sennen Cove’ because doggies aren’t banned from this beach until 1st May.

I had a fabulous time. I played chasing with my red & black bouncy ball.  I went splish, splash, sploshing in the sea with my red & black bouncy ball, and I dug holes to burry my red & black bouncy ball in.

Collie dog bliss??!!

Big Edinburgh Flat Refurbishment update………………….

Ann can’t sit in Cornwall & not do anything.  Patience is not one of her attributes???

Sooooo…………………. Apparently next Sunday, Ann is going back to Edinburgh without me.  I’m going to have to stay with 'Alfie the Beardie'.  Well, that’s OK cos I always get really nice long walks when I stay with Alfie.

Expect a lot of ‘rantings’ to follow.  LOL!!!

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