Then Made the Grey Skies Turn Blue

Your baby is always your baby.   

Especially when she asks over dinner if we can visit the Fairy Trail, before she heads back to the Burgh.   Plates down, ironing delayed for an hour or so, boots on, jackets on, fairy trail here we come. 

You can't help but feel the magic when your baby sits down and reads the notes on the trees, and the sun is casting low shadows, the ribbons are casting dancing patterns on the ground, and the sound of song birds are everywhere. 

This little fairy trail was set up by enterprising folk in town to encourage more use of the woods, and it's worked.  There were only a few people there, but it was 7.30pm,  Himself and me were there last week, and the woods were alive with the sound of children delighted at finding door, after door. 

The council have done their bit and added in wood chippings to make the paths less soggy - but it's oh so lovely to see the woods so full of life again.

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