'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Making waves...

...in my new career path.

Three beautiful things:
Spending time with the important people in your life.  Different experiences and taking the time to learn more about each other.

A simple glass of red wine to end the Spring break with.  The time has gone far too quickly!

Time to sit and read - allowing myself to get completely absorbed in a book.

One thing to be grateful for:
Opportunities coming from a storm.

Tomorrow I officially start in my new role as Inclusion and Safeguarding Lead for an Academy Trust of 9 schools.  This has opportunity has arisen from a time of anxiety, stress and uncertainty of my role/place in education and whether to remain in this field or not.  

I found myself questioning my ability to be both an educationalist and a leader of a school - with my 'moral purpose' being compromised by all sorts of 'stuff' and bureaucracy. To the point where I couldn't see the wood from the trees and had to take time out to reflect and consider my options.  

That turned out to be the best decision I had made in a long while!  I have been given the opportunity to return to my 'moral purpose' within education and support and be the champion for our most vulnerable children whilst also having the opportunity to carry out research which will enhance,  develop and extend existing good practice across the trust and possibly even innovate new practice.

Whilst feeling very excited by this new career path there is also some apprehension as this is the first time in 17 years of working in education that I haven't had 'my school' to go to.  A completely different way of working. A different way of life. A chance to make waves in education.

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