
By SpotsOfTime


I had real problems deciding what to blip so have added extras.
What a cracker of a day.
There was snow as I headed over Kirkstone in the bright sun - the fells were so distinctive, white on one side and green on the other where the warm sun quickly melted the overnight fall.
There was some confusion about meeting up with mum and dad's neighbours staying in Langdale (with no phone signal) but it all worked out in the end and in the meantime I walked from Dungeon Ghyll up Side Pike, onto Lingmoor and down to meet them at Elterwater. They have been so supportive with mum and dad and continue to be so. It was lovely to see them.

First extra is of The Band looking up towards Crinkle Crags and Bowfell (Wordsworth describes this fell as the centre of the spokes of a wheel with all the valleys radiating outwards across the district).

Second extra - I wondered if these were cup and ring marks or else some other geological formation in the rocks at Side Pike especially as the valley has examples of rock art at Copt Howe and there is the Langdale stone axe factory just over the way.

Third extra - 'The Squeeze' on Side Pike - had to take my rucksack off to get through this one!

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