Messy Eater

Travels with Matilda - Day one.

We had a trouble free journey down to Kiddlington, near Oxford apart from some pretty heavy April showers.  Lovely little camp site.  Very nice hosts, slightly older than us and he was ex-RAF.

We went to pay our site dues just as another black cloud emptied itself upon us and we were ushered indoors by our hosts where we whiled away a good two hours or so waiting for the considerable downpour to pass.  Mr T enjoyed much flying conversation with our male host whilst I sat in the conservatory  drinking tea with his wife and enjoyed  the antics of a very young and fluffed up Greenfinch who  munched his way though much seed whilst getting rather wet.

On the way back to the caravan the small herd of Roe Deer who have taken up residence in the orchard and sometimes in the caravan park were there to greet us, but didn't stay around too long after we arrived, but continued to gaze at us from a suitable distance in extras.

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