creative lenna

By creativelenna


I often feature our little dog Asia in blips and sometimes I'll feature Asia and Chloe together, but not as often - just Chloe. When I was working out in the yard today I snapped this photo of her. I thought she looked so beautiful when I took the photo out of my camera. Both dogs love to hide under my azalea bushes!

I have just caught up, 3 days of taking photos, but not uploading them immediately. You can work backwards if you'd like to see! Sometimes I get on a roll and take a lot of photos but can't decide which one to blip - then it gets too late & I get too tired and I put the decision off. I am glad to feel I have the flexibility to wait and decide. I have put another contender for today's blip up on my blipfolio. This is the gecko/lizard we have that serenades us!

In a few weeks we will be taking a long holiday for a month and driving 1500 miles to Wolfe Island, Ontario! I honestly don't know if I will be able to blip during that time. Being a rural island, at best we will acquire dial-up service. Of course, I will still be taking photos, so I will just do the best I can : ) It's a family property on the St. Lawrence River that we have not seen for 3 years with my dad's health problems and passing. But now the time is right and we will go with dogs and a boat in tow!

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