
By erenozkan

My Random Moment

Yes. This is a picture taken in the middle of 4. Levent, Istanbul, when I was waiting for a bus in the afternoon, and it was one of the most random moments that I have ever experienced. I was moving around near the bus stop, checking whether anything suspicious or threatening was going around, thanks to the situation that is going on in Istanbul right now, when suddenly, I felt something slimy under my feet. And there it was... An egg! I immediately took a picture of it and it made me kind of sad that I didn't know how it ended up in the position that it was in.

However, I got an interesting idea from this picture the moment I took it. We can experience a lot of weird things through our lifetime, as we can't know what will happen in our future or what we will see or what we will experience... One day we can see an egg cracked in the middle of the road, one day we may see a chicken crossing a highway. We experience these kinds of odd and weird things through our whole life, and even though we don't think much about them, they are one of the things that keeps our lives interesting. 

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