twinned with trumpton


And so to the final day of Easter hols; thankfully neither school was one of the PFI 17 that will not be open on Monday - as if 2 weeks of holiday wasn't enough - more enforced child care..!

So we went swimming - having lucked out in Stirling the previous day. Learner pool was all booked out; so we hit the big pool; and both did really well. Tom did 6 lengths; Alex back stroked his way about slowly but surely.

Then to hers; to tot up the iTunes hack disaster. £580 - odd all in. And a supermarket sweep or two to follow; we dropped her back home and headed for Harrison Park - sunshine and showers and nice meander, throwing stones, watching football, swings, and Cigs.

And finally home; sweet and sour chicken and a concoction of pears, strawberries and chocolate.

A tired bunch of boys fell asleep whilst we continued to fence politely around various issues.

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