Just the Withers......

By JaneW

See that castle in the background .

I need one ... In the back garden .... I love that castle ..

A few years ago a really stupid man lectured me on the perils of Disney... He told me how much he loathed the brand ... I glazed over at him thinking he was in someway superior to me ( as if ... Hear my tone) because he didn't 'get' the fuss ...
After he finished his obnoxious rant I very sweetly said 'I don't give a shit tiger,I bloody love it ...' Bizarrely he had no answer to that so we stood silently whilst tumbleweed blew past and after about 10 seconds I just wandered off ...
I'll tell you what I don't 'get' .. UNSOLICITED banal chatter .. If I had wanted his opinion I would have asked for it ...

Anyway ... Back to the castle ... In my world it's the best bit of architecture in the universe ... After that I quite like The Empire State Building and my rabbit sheds.

We've had an excellent mixture of weather but because we purchased these condom type coats you get from the shops here,we stayed bone dry and enjoyed 12 hours ... Yes 12 hours romping about ....

Blip is my three roomies... Idiots .

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