everyday another photo

By sarahphilp

Inspirational moments

I don't normally write much but this is worth it.

A moment worth remembering. Tonight was the launch of a book written by a group of P7 girls about growth mindset. Their book was inspired by Katie Walton's book 'I can't do this'. The girls felt the message of the book was so important that they wanted to write something that younger children would be able to access. Their teacher Mrs Berry encouraged them, gave them the space to do this and then got in touch with Katie Walton herself. We then connected up with Napier University who have a student placement scheme where art students do a voluntary, non- credit project in which they focus on sharing and teaching their skills to others. Katie embraced this venture and allowed the story written by the girls to become a book, they acted as the art directors to the 6th year students and with the help of the Uni students their vision for a story book came to life.

The girls were so excited at the exhibition and launch tonight, the parents and teachers too. Someone said 'this is one of those moments'. One of those moments those girls and parents won't forget, and one that will shape their future in some way. Just shows, anything is possible.

Every school in Midlothian and Edinburgh is going to get a copy of this book!

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