Flower Monday!

Yes, I know.  It's horrendous.
No, I had no time to go out.
No, there's nothing much out there anyway, despite the lovely weather.

I have been very, very busy, but my adrenaline levels are high.  On one hand, I feel like a student with a hangover every morning, but at the same time as though I'd swallowed pep pills and drank Red Bull (I don't) the whole day.  I go to bed fairly late and wake up fairly early and without the alarm and get to it again non-stop till I drop into bed.  Hubby is amazed.  There's a lot of housework I don't have time for, but the dishes get done and so does the vacuuming and some tabletop clearing.  Occasionally, I go to the supermarket.  I am trying to get as much work done before classes begin again next week.  Very weird, perhaps, but that is when I know I'll need to relax.  And then, to relax in between the online lectures, I do some gaming.  Also, there's hubby, faithful as ever.

Today, a retired sickness benefit worker dropped by for a couple of hours, at least.  Hubby had asked him to check the documents that needed to be submitted together with his appeal for resumption of the benefits.  The welfare office had looked him over from head to toe and basically judged that he was 'fit to work' while the doctor's and specialist's reports said exactly the opposite -- one report from the physio, one from the lung specialist, and one from the GP.  Hubby does not have to use a wheelchair, fortunately, and we're already thankful about that.  Other than that, though, there's not much else.  The guy, whom hubby knows very well, checked all the attachments while hubby typed his appeal and by 16.30 I was at the post office with the whole bundle.  Sigh of relief and now the waiting game.

For now, I hope you will be patient with the flowers for a little while longer, even as we are pleased as punch that they came out at all.

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