TINY TUESDAY - camera necklace

My contribution to the Tiny Tuesday challenge is my Betsey Johnson necklace.  The tiny camera is only 9cm wide.  The perfect jewellery item for a blipper.  Thanks to JDO for hosting this challenge.

It rained heavily all through the night and for most of the day. It was lashing down.  I waited until the rain had stopped until I went out - this was around 3.30pm.  I walked to the Co-op.  It was quite warm on the way there but when I was walking back home the fog came down and it turned really cold.

I almost didn't go out at all as I have been a bit off colour today.  No energy and I had a bad headache.  Think the headache is being caused by sinusitis so I took some decongestant tablets - they have had no effect yet.

When I got back from the Co-op Tino came running as usual.  Then I could hear Lily crying.  It was muffled so I realised she was locked in somewhere.  So I went upstairs to see where the sound was coming from.  She was in one of the spare bedrooms.  I had been in there just before I went out and she must have sneaked in.  I usually check where both cats are before I leave the house but today I just assumed where Lily was. Poor Lily.  She was rather annoyed when I found her. Good job I was only out for about an hour.

Steps today - 6,635

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