
I've got '8.34am' written down in my holiday notes here scribbled down on the back of Thursday's boarding pass and I think this means that by that time I was out sitting on a sun lounger with coffee and toasted baguette after a cold pre-breakfast swim in the pool.

Met up with the in-laws in town for lunch and then came home to listen to music and get through a big chunk of My Book, the first in the batch of Old Favourites That I've Not Read For Ages that have come out here with me. I read 'American Psycho' when it was first published 25 years ago and haven't re-read it since until now, actually quite staggered at the brilliance and the black humour of it all, plus there's a lot of wrong-on-purpose references in there from the narrator that I really can't remember picking up on back then. Back then when I was less culturally away and only had 22 years of knowledge to draw on rather than the, erm, considerably more than I have these days...

Some New Music That Got Listened To At Some Point Of The Day

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