Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Well, fancy that!

Legged it into town at lunch to pick up a birthday present and noticed on the way in that a) there were no buses and b) there were 3 Police video vans lurking in a side road.

Then, I spotted a considerable number of police, plus a large number of people lined up along the Headrow.

I picked my way through to the shop I needed and asked the nice lady in there if she knew what was happening.

"Ooh, the Queen's here" she replied.

"Oh" says I.

On my way back up to work, I could hear from the rise in volume from the crowd that her car was coming, so I found a clear bit of space and then just as she came past, loads of people decided to occupy the same bit of clear space that I was in, so that, plus the fact that I'd got 2 cameras in the office but only th'iPhone with me, means you get possibly the worst ever photo of the Queen.

If you look in large you might make out the car and if you squint, you *might* just be able to see a glimpse of hat.

Anyway. The Queen's visit meant I couldn't get to the nice sandwich shop that I was hoping to visit, so I had to have chips ;-)

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