Oyster Catchers

A bit of a murky start to the day but things improved and yet more work in the garden. The polytunnel men are now coming tomorrow and we are ready.
I really enjoyed the film last night - Youth. Definitely obtuse and definitely languorous but in a good way with some amazing visuals and layered story telling. An exceptional cast too, and Michael Caine still has it!

Off out again shortly - book club this time - so still no time to catch up so apologies for that. The book in question is Long Time No See by Hannah Lowe and I am struggling - a) with remembering much about it and b) thinking of anything positive to say. It should have been riveting dealing with a Jamaican man with Chinese blood who came to England having survived a tough childhood; married an Englishwoman, and raised a family - all told by his daughter. Well I have remembered something but it was oddly flat and rather dull. I couldn't wait to get back to Transatlantic by Colum McCann which is a different kettle of fish altogether!

There's a WildWednesday challenge going on - if you biggify you can see two oyster catchers and the stump of a tower house in the distance plus a lot of general wildness.

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