1066 and all that

Battle, Hastings, Bexhill on Sea and Rye
Travels with Matilda - Day 7.

Another glorious day. We spent the morning in and around Hastings and polished up on our Battle history!! we picnicked on the beach at St Leonard's in the sunshine and the sea was beautifully sparkly.

We spent the afternoon in the lovely old Town of Rye; first a good walk around the Nature Reserve and harbour. We saw Avocet and Shell Ducks (here, but a little too far away to get some good shots); Lapwing, Redshank and Oyster Catchers in abundance, but again too far away and heard Skylarks and Meadow Pippits in very good voice. After a swift half of Bishops Finger for Mr T and a milder ale for me in the William the Conquerer pub we walked up to the old castle and admired the great views all around and soaked up, not only the sun, but all the great history this area has to offer. Lastly we explored the old part of Rye, walking the cobbled streets, admiring the stunning old buildings, St Mary 's Church and the Castle.

And another lovely day comes to a close - beats work!!

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