What a joy!

How blessed are we to be able to stand and watch this beautiful little wallaby from only a couple of metres away drinking from the bird bath.

We had been rattling around sorting out the storeroom under the stairs for a couple of hours and the little character snuck in under our noses.  It was CCN who sounded the "Blippy alert".  We are almost certain it was Blippy.  We haven't seen the little one for just on six weeks and I was starting to worry about its wellbeing.  Our tiny visitor was certainly much smaller than Wendy, Blippy's Mum.

Honestly, I'm getting a bit old for this blip caper.  I was moving around the house trying to get a hold on my camera and once I had it I had to move undercover of the dining room table and a large vase to avoid being seen. I felt like I was on an army manoeuvre.  CCN was on high alert and was watching intently to see if my panther like movements were attracting Blippy's attention.  Once in position, the only way I could get a half decent shot was to ever so carefully pull the blind back just enough to poke the camera lens into rapid fire position.  What you do for a blip!!!!!

It was an extremely stressful time and I think I'm going to have to start a Blip Photographic Training Course or at least enrol in the Army Reserve if I'm going to keep up with the wild life that keep visiting us on a regular basis.

PS - I really encourage you to check out Blippy's cute little pink tongue!!

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