
By Realgrumpytyke

Watching the birds

I think I've said before that I don't have the patience to be a wildlife photographer but I do like to watch the birds from my kitchen window. So, recently I put a couple of feeders in the tree which the kitchen window overlooks. Before long one with fat balls was attracting blue tits but the other, with small seeds for finches, seemed to be almost ignored. However, when we were away last week the fat balls had almost disappeared so when I went to buy more fat balls I bought another couple of feeders, one for peanuts and one for mealworms and other insects.
Now, although the bluetits seem to favour the fat balls they also have a go at the peanuts. Other larger tits have now joined them as regular visitors. Even the jackdaws nesting in the roof next door have been seen desperately hanging onto the feeder to take chunks out of the fat balls.
The finch feeder with the tiny black seeds has now attracted a chaffinch and a pair of goldcrests.
The bluetits amused me when they tried the insects feeder - they tried something but spit it out. However, something has been eating the contents. I was hoping for a robin but haven't yet seen one.
No time this week to attempt any photography of the birds - all my long lenses are legacy manual lenses so require time, but I'm blipping the feeders with one bluetit in attendance. Even this is a drastic crop.
So far all the observation has been while doing other chores at the sink but I do aim to find some patience and see if I can set up with a long lens and get some shots of these very perky individuals.
Hospital again tomorrow.

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