Friends reunited

Busy busy day
Both children awake just after 5, both happily played together till gone 6:30
Wom cried from the minute the lesson started till the minute he was out. There's part of me that knows it's just a wobble, there's a part of me that thinks give him a term off, there's another part that says don't stop. It's hard going.
Munchie on the other hand wax pretty amazing. She is so lithe (think that's the word I want) in the water. Just swims from side to side slowly tiring.
Wom had a snooze when we got home, then lunch, munchie fell asleep in the car on the way to preschool but was ok when we arrived
Productive afternoon- got all books marked before we left. Collected Wom, dropped him home and munchie and I went for tea at Ask with India and her mummy.
Lovely tea date
Daddy and won waited until we were home to do bath, both tinkers
Munchies asleep next to me but I can't move until Wom falls asleep as his crying will wake her! Argh

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