Decided to stay in today and get some outstanding chores out of the way.  I didn't get a good start as I had a long lie in - the alarm didn't go off.  ( or I slept through it which is more likely ) Got up to find cat sick in the bath - nice start to the day. At least it was easily cleaned up.

Didn't get as much done as I would have liked but I did do a load of washing, lots of washing up, phoned up and made a hairdressing appointment, made some mini quiches and did a roast chicken for my tea.

Things I didn't do:~

The ironing ( don't like ironing so Its easy to put off doing it )

Booking transport, accommodation and cat care for a trip to London I am making next month................ really should have got that sorted.

The weather today has been dry but cloudy, grey and cold.

Abstract Thursday has a theme today - Ninety degree angles. My blip shot is of the roof of the cat enclosure.  Lots of 90 degree angles to be found.  Obviously I have faffed around with colours in Picasa. Thanks to youoregon1 for hosting this challenge.

Steps today - 3,594

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