Thursday, Grrs Day
A little girl in my class bought her castle project in this bag. I liked the phrase on it so I used it as my blip.
I was knackered after the gym last night- 6am came around awfully fast! I made the best of it, got ready and felt quite chipper. I made a piece of toast and ate it in the car on the way.... Then at school I broke into the Lindt chocolate mini eggs that were a leftover gift from before Easter, reserved for "emergencies' ;-)
The day went downhill by lunchtime. Little Ro is having her tonsils out today- I'm not sure I'd be up for that, but she is. Anyways, there seemed to have been a falling out this morning, so only Dad and Little B were home, and the atmosphere was frosty. The bathtub was still full with water. For the last few weeks the mechanism that releases the plug has been very tempermental, so we've been using screwdrivers/tweezers/a Stanley knife to prize the plug up! My dad doesn't like to rush these things, despite my mum reminding him at the weekend....
But today it would not budge, so I was somewhat irked as after a busy day all I wanted to do was come home and relax in the tub before the evening gets busy! Back to school I went, irritable and just wanting the school day to be done. I was out of class first thing for a meeting, and they were a bit out of sorts the rest of the day so it was not a lot of fun!
When I got home, it was almost comedic. Mum and Dad took the side of the bath off, and still no joy. My dad smugly delighting in the fact that he'd bathed, tried and failed to resolve the problem, and saying he wanted nothing to do with it! My poor Mum hadn't had a bath yet, now faced with walking a dog, clearing up, and still having to go and do hospital visiting.
Sigh. Where there's a will there's a way. After heated discussion, I told my dad to leave me to it. Mum and I used a bucket to drain the bath water, and then I tried to find something thinner than the blade of a Stanley knife. My mum found a proper blade, and I was able to get it in there, and then use the tweezers to remove the plug. Hurrah! (The thinking was if we could just get the plug out we could at least use the shower until the guy comes to fix it). I'm still quite pleased with my own resourcefulness :-)
And more problem-solving. how do you have a bath with no plug? Use the plunger you attempted to pull said plug out with :-)
Men! If you want something done, you've got to do it yourself! I should have gone into plumbing.....
Little Ro is staying the night in hospital ( a bit scary as she woke up after the anaesthetic and couldn't move or speak, and thought she'd had a stroke :-( )
The rest of the evening has been spent decompressing from the day. And I showed my mum how to run her lovely plunger-bath... ;-)
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