Autumn is coming.....

We are having an amazing run of weather. Cooler nights, clear days and the trees are putting on their autumn gowns. Love it.
My day did not start well, but as it went, it got better...  I thought I would just check emails etc before I caught up with a friend this morning for coffee..... Turned on computer...then a message....I had overlooked paying my account so "they" had reduced my broadband!!! No...they had turned it off completely!!!! So sat on the phone for 30mins, then told story, only to be asked-- ? Account number- on the computer!!!
                                        -- ? customer number- on the computer!!
                                        --? was owed- on the computer!!!
finally "they" decided they could use the landline number I had called on to check all details!!!!  Finally after another half hour I paid it with a visa card, then was told it should be on again in an hour!!!!!  I went out for my coffee. It was all going when I got back home.  Don't we rely on our computers so much. I don't get any bills by mail, all paid on line..... If "on line" isn't, well one is stuck!!!!!  Message to self, make sure account isn't just 2 weeks overdue!!!!!!!  (Might be changing providers...)

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